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Lightweight JavaScript library for creating beautiful, interactive backgrounds with 18+ shape options

What Is This?

Scape.js is a lightweight (~5KB) JavaScript package that creates beautiful, animated backgrounds for your website. Whether you want floating shapes, custom images, or interactive elements, this package has you covered.

  • 18+ unique shapes (stars, hearts, fractals and more)
  • Custom image support
  • Fully configurable animation and appearance
  • Interactive elements with hover/click events

How It Works

The package dynamically generates shapes or images and animates them across the screen. You can customize the type, size, color, and animation of the elements.

// Example Configuration
window.ScapeConfig = {
  type: 'shape', // 'image' or 'shape'
  shape: 'star', // Shape type
  count: 30, // Number of elements
  size: 10, // Size of each element
  fillColor: 'hsla(200, 90%, 60%, 0.8)', // Fill color
  strokeColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)', // Stroke color
  strokeWidth: 2, // Stroke width

How to Implement

Follow these steps to add the Scape.js to your website:

  1. Include the script in your HTML file:
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="config.js"></script>
  2. Create a config.js file to customize the background:
    window.ScapeConfig = {
      type: 'shape',
      shape: 'star',
      count: 30,
      size: 100,
      fillColor: 'hsla(200, 90%, 60%, 0.8)',
      strokeColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)',
      strokeWidth: 2,
  3. For image-based backgrounds, use this configuration:
    window.ScapeConfig = {
      type: 'image',
      imageUrl: 'path/to/your/image.png',
      count: 20,
      size: 50,
      spacing: 100,
      minDistance: 30,
      animationDuration: '3s',
      floatDistance: 20,
      rotationRange: 45,
      opacity: 0.8

API Documentation

Control your background dynamically with these methods:

Method Description Example
refresh() Regenerates the background Scape.refresh()
updateConfig() Updates configuration Scape.updateConfig({ shape: 'heart' })
destroy() Removes all elements Scape.destroy()
setImage() Sets new image URL Scape.setImage('logo.png')
pause() Pauses animations Scape.pause()
resume() Resumes animations Scape.resume()

Important Note All API methods should be called after the DOM is fully loaded. Wrap your code in an event listener:

document.addEventListener('event/action', () => { 
  // Your Scape.js code here e.g. Scape.refresh() etc

⚠️ Be cautious when using the destroy() method instead of document.add.. use window.add..

Live Demo

Here's a live example of the Scape.js in action:

Use Cases

Landing Pages

Make your product pages stand out with animated backgrounds that highlight your brand.

404 Pages

Turn error pages into engaging experiences with floating shapes that react to user interaction.


Showcase your creativity with custom shapes and animations that reflect your personal style.